Anton Feenstra

Anton Feenstra

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Breaking the Laws of Physics
structural bioinformatcs; structral functional feature prediction; regulatory and signalling network modelling

I studied molecular life sciences in Wageningen then did my PhD in computational biophysical chemistry in Groningen studying molecular dynamics of small biomolecules, peptides and small proteins using MD simulations.

In my research, I am focusing on protein-protein interactions (PPI), predicting PPI from sequence and modelling signalling and regulatory networks using Petri Net models.

We run the master programme Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, where I am teaching Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and Structural Bioinformatics, and do guest lectures in Protein Science.
I am also involved in the bachelor courses Introduction to Bioinformatics, and Genes, Bioinformatics and Disease at the Amsterdam University College.

Academic Staff